Inclusive Pricing

Our tiered pricing explained

We wish to open our courses and retreats to as many people as possible and do not want to turn away those whose financial situation would prohibit them attending.

On most of our courses, we offer a three tiered pricing system:

  • the standard price covers our costs and supports the teachers, please pay this price if you can
  • the supported price is available to those who unable to afford the normal price
  • the supporter price enables those who value what we offer and are financially comfortable to help us in ensuring that our courses are available to all

Please note that single rooms are only available to those paying the standard or supporter’s price.

Discounts and financial assistance

If you believe that attending one of our courses or retreats would be of great benefit to you, no matter what your particular financial situation may be, and feel that the supported price tier doesn’t adequately meet your situation, we are very happy to explore various options for additional discounted prices and payment plans. Please contact us!